The INFINIDAT call center is available 24x7x365, and can be contacted at the following numbers:
Country | Phone Number |
Australia | 1-800-763-172 |
Austria | 0800-802266 |
Bulgaria | +359 2 437 4384 |
China | +400-120-9387 |
Croatia | 0800-777-924 |
Czech Republic | +420-228885338 |
France | +33-970019847 |
Finland | +358 75 3257727 |
Germany | 0800 1800848 |
Hong Kong | +852-300-85777 |
India | +91-80-71279135 |
Israel | 1-809-494407 |
Italy | 800-876-616 |
Japan | 0800-919-9634 |
Kazakhstan | +7-727-3122407 |
Mexico | 800-099-0262 |
Netherlands | +31-858880285 |
New Zealand | +64 800 578 291 |
Poland | +48-222922929 |
Russia | 8-800-100-9660 |
Serbia | 0800-500-407 |
Singapore | 800-492-2738 |
South Africa | 080 001 4683 |
Spain | 900 905 434 |
Sweden | 020-889-886 |
Switzerland | +41 22 531 00 32 |
Turkey | +90-850-3902142 |
UK | +44-2033184704 |
Ukraine | +380 800 805 146 |
USA/Canada | 1-855-900-4634 |
Last edited: 2023-10-09 19:35:26 UTC